Fio infinito
Catarina Mina has 15 years of history, and since our inception, we have taken special care in what we deliver to you. Our greatest desire is to create and deliver bags that last a long time, and are also timeless.
To achieve this, our team thinks about every detail, from choosing the raw materials to the design itself. All so that your Catarina Mina can accompany you throughout a lifetime.
We also understand that over the years, we all change. Our style, priorities, and habits evolve, which can also reflect in our wardrobe. Therefore, we understand if you have a Catarina Mina bag tucked away in your closet, not used frequently or perhaps altered due to minor accidents.
For these reasons, we created the Infinite Thread Project.
Our way of starting to look at our responsibility for reverse logistics.
#InfiniteThread is a way we found to be increasingly responsible together, and to give new life to these pieces that are sitting in the closet.
We believe they can circulate again in the hands of others, or if not in good condition (after careful analysis!), transform into a new product! <3 Catarinas are made to be in this world, carrying colors and stories.
If you've already lived your life with a Catarina Mina bag and it's now hiding in your closet, send it over to us and receive a 25% discount on your next purchase! Once it arrives at the workshop, we'll evaluate the bag. If it's in good condition and looking great – as it usually is – we'll send it to shared wardrobes or partner thrift stores. We understand that there's a whole network of second-hand consumption strengthening and blossoming, and that's beautiful!
Those straps you once carried on your shoulder are now suspended on a beautiful wall at home or from the ceiling!
Your bag will be transformed into an object that will stay in your home. A cocoon-shaped planter for you to remember, every time you pass by it, that it used to be something else, and that it's always time to reinvent.