Carnauba Straw

The carnauba tree is one of the symbolic trees of our state, Ceará. Everything from it is used: it becomes wax, medicine and even nourishes the soil. When carnauba straw is ready for weaving, it can have various weights and allows for many knots and braids.

The Making

The process of preparing carnauba straw is beautiful in itself and requires time and care. From the carnauba tree comes the leaf (carnauba eye), which after being harvested, goes through a drying process that lasts up to 4 days under the hot sun.

Once dried, the “eye” is “scratched” with the help of a small knife, a faithful companion of the artisans. With this tool, the artisan separates the “spine” of the straw, which gives volume and structure to each creation. After separation, this straw is stored in an airy place, and before being “worked,” it is wrapped in a damp cloth to ensure its flexibility.

Only then does the construction of the piece begin. With open and closed stitches, the piece is created. To shape it into a specific form, a wooden mold is also created.

A 100% manual job done with a low-impact and biodegradable raw material, without the use of glue. Sustainability in practice.

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A Map of Meanings

Carnauba: The carnauba tree is native to the semi-arid region and holds significant cultural and economic importance. It is known as the tree of life because everything from it is used. From the trunk, wood for construction is obtained. From the powder, wax. From the leaf, crafts.

Wheel: "Everyone starts learning through the wheel." The wheel, or little wheel, is the filled circle of straw used as a placemat, trivet, or coaster and is the simplest form of learning carnauba straw work.

Where We Work with Carnauba Straw

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